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The Uniques  ]


1. Prehistoric Park of South Sulawesi

This ancestry garden is the connection of a set of limestone hills with Leang leang, which also has many caves. There, we can find prehistoric painting that are very interesting, which are about 5000 years old. Archeologist consider that most of the caves seemed to be ihabited by the human being 8000-3000 earlier.
This ancestry garden possesses more than one hundred thousand of concrete 'anak tangga' that are used to climb the caves. There is also a small swimming pools. The location of Sumpang Bita is close to the factory of Cement Tonasa I (Pabrik Semen Tonasa).

2. Kapoposang Island

Nowadays, a great diving tourism area, can been found in South Sulawesi. Among of them that seem to be developed and become more and more famous is Kapoposang Island, which takes two hours by boats from Makassar. The island of Kapoposang has a genuine natural coral reffs that has never been touched by human beings.
Diving gears(instruments) can be rented in Makassar, while board and lodging are widely available in that tourism object.

Wisata Makassar
Kesima Tours & Travel SMK Neg 4 Makassar
South Sulawesi, Indonesia Jl. Bandang No.140
E-mail : wisatamakassar@yahoo.com